Sunday, May 31, 2009

Laser Tattoo Removal: How Effective Is It?

One of the most well-known methods of tattoo removal is laser tattoo removal...but how effective is it?

While some have had positive results, laser tattoo removal doesn't work 100% of the time. Because laser tattoo removal requires multiple visits (with each costing up to hundreds of dollars) it can be a time-consuming and costly option, with no guarantee for perfect results.

According to one laser tattoo removal patient, she received 17 treatments without any real results!

Watch a video interview, courtesy of WebMD.

Laser tattoo removal can be expensive, time-consuming and painful. Nuviderm is an at-home fade and tattoo removal that is cost-effective and easy-to-use. For more information, read more about tattoo removal process.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Top Reasons For Tattoo Removal

In a 2006 study led by Myrna L. Armstrong, RD, EdD, of Texas Tech University, 196 tattooed people were interviewed about their level of happiness with their existing tattoos. The study found that nearly 1/5 of those interviewed were unhappy with their tattoos.

In cases in which those interviewed were unhappy enough to seek tattoo removal, the study found that more women (69%) than men (31%) remove tattoos.

Why do they remove tattoos? The top six reasons both men and women gave for tattoo removal:

  • 58% just decided to remove it.
  • 57% suffered embarrassment.
  • 38% had lowered body image.
  • 38% new job/career.
  • 37% problem with clothes.
  • 25% experienced stigma.

Only considering responses from women, more women are motivated to get the tattoo removed because of pressure from others or social stigma.

The findings appear in the Archives of Dermatology.

While there are a number of tattoo removal options, Nuviderm's Fade and Tattoo Removal is a cost-effective, quick and easy-to-use treatment for at-home tattoo removal. To find out more about Nuviderm's Fade and Tattoo Removal, read on about tattoo removal process.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tattoos: A Love/Hate Relationship

At the time, you thought it was a good idea to get that tattoo of your boyfriend's name on your shoulder. The relationship was meant to be; it was supposed to last a lifetime--just like the ink on your body. Now you're getting married--to a different guy--and don't want to walk down the aisle with someone else's name on your shoulder.

At the time, you loved the tattoo of your band's name scripted across all ten of your knuckles. Unfortunately, a prospective employer doesn't feel the same and you're worried you've decreased your chances of getting hired.

Sometimes, that tattoo of a cartoon character you loved and thought you'd always want just isn't your style anymore.

Fortunately, there are methods available to remove tattoos including laser, dermabrasion and removal creams. These tattoo removal methods range in price, length of treatment and ease of use.

is cost-effective, quick and easy-to-use treatment for tattoo removal. Nuviderm's fade and tattoo removal is made with TCA, or trichloroacetic acid, which is commonly used by doctors, health spas and private individuals to remove fine lines and wrinkles. To find out more about Nuviderm's Fade and Tattoo Removal, read on about tattoo removal process.